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Actualités Régionales of Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Innovations For May 20th Celebrations South West

Twelve committees have been formed to ensure hitch free celebrations.

The Governor of the South West Region, Bernard Okalia Bilai and his aides have envisaged grandiose celebrations of this year's National Day in the South West Region. He made the promise recently in Buea while chairing a coordination meeting ahead of May 20, 2013.

To him, National Day celebrations in the South West will reflect the event and the town, one waiting for a big event - that of the jubilee of the country's reunification. During the planning meeting, the Governor said the celebration should have a taste of how the 50th anniversary will look like so he urged all stakeholders to put hands on deck.

Concerning the programmes, it was revealed that activities will be launched from the 12 to 17 of May in the South and Adamawa Regions. There will be a unity march, camp fire and the final march past. The regional launching takes place on the 17 of May and the camp fire will take place on the evening of May 19 where secondary school students, universities and associations will take part. The unity march involves all administrative services.

In presenting proposals, officials said photos of the military band of 1961 and others of the 1960s by the Ministry of Communication should be highlighted. It was proposed that a programme should be produced for broadcast over CRTV on the innovations in towns such as the zebra crossing among others. It was also suggested that the march past should be made interesting by being short for at most two and a half hours.

About 12 committees were created to come up with activities and innovations, these include: finance committee, sports, socio-cultural, organization, preparation and logistics, protocol and security, press, human investment, camp fire, health and reception committees.