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Infos Sports of Sunday, 25 December 2016

Source: lcclc.info

I’m a miracle - Rigobert Song

The former captain of the Indomitable Lions is now better. He left the hospital and continued his rehabilitation in Paris. He confided to our colleagues in the sports newspaper L’Equipe.

Nearly 3 months after his stroke, which nearly cost him his life, the former captain of the Indomitable Lions Rigobert Song Bahanag can now speak. The iconic “Magnan” expressed himself in the columns of the French sports daily L’Equipe in on December 24, 2016. Song has left the Pitié-Salpêtrière on December 21, 2016.

At the microphone of our French colleague Rigobert Song Bahanag evoked the period of his serious illness. He returned precisely to the time of the incident that took him to the hospital. “I was in front of the TV on the floor of my house in Yaounde and I felt a big stroke of fatigue, begins Song. I had left my door open because someone had to come. If my door had been locked, it would’ve been over.

My luck was to fall on the side, so my tongue came out. My BP was at 25 and everything exploded in my head. “The national coach of the Amateur Indomitable Lions then spoke of the fight against the disease, punctuated by his determination to stay alive. “In a coma, it was like a dream. I saw my family saying, “What are you doing here? You have to go home.” I started to struggle. I was tied up but I pulled everything away. I had incredible power. When the doctor sees me today, he tells me, “Mr. Song, we’ve had cases but you’re exceptional.” Of the forty cases, thirty are gone and the remaining ten were left with defects.

Now better off, Rigobert Song thinks of the other patients struck by a stroke. He wants to help them. The elder of Metz and Liverpool also wants to spare because a relapse is possible.

“When I got out of a coma, I was 60kg. How did a man armed physically like me get there? My luck was to make progress from day to day. Today I am at 65kg. At first I could not speak. Today, when one sees me, one cannot imagine how I was. When I do rehabilitation, today I want to help others because I know what it is. I have really come a long way. Things can change very quickly. I know it even more today, for I am a miracle. “

Rigobert Song Bahanag has almost no defects from his stroke. Only three toes of a foot have not yet recovered all their mobility, but the champion ensures that they become more and more agile. Song Bahanag has been installed since Wednesday 21 December 2016 in a house rented by the Cameroonian embassy in Paris.