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Politique of Friday, 27 September 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

'I Will Lobby for Projects'

Etombi Ikome Gladys, CPDM Legislative Substantive candidate for the Fako East Constituency talks of her plans if she is elected into Parliament.

What message have you been taking to your electorate?

The message l am taking to my electorate is very simple. A vote for the CPDM is a vote for the development in their communities. And a vote for the CPDM is a vote for integrity and competence because the people invested by the CPDM are people who have proven their worth and they are people who have sacrificed for their communities.

A vote for the CPDM is a vote for us to go as servants of the people and to bring about the necessary galvanizing forces to bring about development. We need people who can lobby for projects. We need people who can defend the projects of their communities and these are the type of people that the CPDM has as candidates.

What projects do you have in stock for your constituency?

That is going to come when l am elected. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag. I just want to say that the people in my constituency know my capabilities and what l has done without being a parliamentarian. So there is no question about that because they understand that if l get there, many things will be truly negotiated for.

What advice do you have for CPDM militants and your well wishers on Election Day?

My advice is simple. All CPDM militants plus their friends and neighbors, families should go to the polls on Election Day early and vote for the CPDM. These elections concern the people. These are proximity elections that concern people you know and people around you. In the Fako East we do not have an opposition list.

We have just one list but we are encouraging everybody to vote because the parliamentarian will be a parliamentarian for that constituency and there is no need for them to stay behind and not vote. They should come and vote because when the light of development will shine, of course, they are going to benefit.

How can you size up the level of campaigns so far?

I think that the level of campaigns have really gone to high gear. From the bottom of my heart, l must say that Cameroonians have truly understood what elections are all about. It is not time for war. It is not a matter of the party you belong to.

When it comes to local elections, people have understood that you put in place people in your communities who can deliver the goods. l think that we have progressed in democracy. People have truly realized that it is necessary to vote the people who are around them and who can deliver the goods.