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Politique of Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Source: The Eye Newspaper

Hon. Njingum wins best politician of the year award

Recently, Hon. Njingum Musa Mbutoh was honoured as the Best Politician of The Year.

Talking to journalists after the fun-filled ceremony, Hon. Njingum Musa said that he was very delighted and that the recognition will serve as a spur for him to continue in his drive to change lives in his constituency.

But what makes Hon. Njingum Musa the Best?

It is widely acclaimed that to be converted into a great politician or statesman, one has to use his/her talents, skills, experiences, openness, uprightness, braves and limitations with the affirmative upshot in order to create impact in society.

That is what Hon. Njingum as a great politician is striving to make his constituency better than before he was elected. Besides, the enormity that is contained in the acts and actions of a politician towards his people should always be life changing given that politics is a means to development. Therefore, a politician is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making in government, delight to serve the people and consider themselves as servants and people their paymasters.

Hon. Ngingum musa, the Member of Parliament for Ngoketunjia North who doubles as Questor at the national Assembly has proven beyond reasonable doubts that he represents the hopes, aspirations and the interests of every citizen in his constituency.

What inescapably catches your interest when you meet Hon. Njingum musa is his outstanding elegance. Being a modern man of the modern generation, this illustrious son of Bamali village knows only too able-bodied what good, attractive manners does to polish a man’s image. And so he never hesitates to share the little he has to his people.

In preaching politics of inclusiveness, he has revamped the CPDM in his constituency to the point that it is almost becoming a religion. Many people love him for what he does, and how he has changed politics from a game of the mastiff to a game reserve for dignified men, women and youths.

According to Theodore Roosevelt, “the most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice”. But there is more to what he does than just the classiness in which he addresses burning issues and tackles development matters. This is especially so when we take into concern his radiant edifying milieu, his prosperous political career the enormous work he is doing for his people and Cameroonians in general as a Member of Parliament of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM).

What however makes Hon Njingum different from other politicians’ lies in the fact that, he does not wait for elections to fulfill his political promises but constantly in touch with the grassroots.

His savoir-faire in politics has earned him several awards from several media organs notably, The Watchdog Tribune, World Echoes, The Guardian Post, Life Time and most recently The Eye Newspaper where he was voted as Best Politician of The Year.