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Actualités Régionales of Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Source: The Eye Newspaper

Hon. Awudu tours Nkambe Central

The Member of Parliament for Donga Mantung Centre, Hon Awudu Mbaya Cyprien, has kickstarted a Parliamentary tour of Nkambe Central sub-Division.

The tour which started at Kup village was described by impressionists on January 25, 2016, as merrymaking, singing, dancing and the distribution of parliamentary goodies.

Addressing the population of Kup at the market square, the Member if Parliament expressed gratitude to the population for their massive turnout and the spirit of mutual coexistence they have demonstrated.

Harping on the importance of community development, peace and mutual coexistence, Hon. Awudu urged the population of Kup to be loyal, vigilant and to report any suspected individual seen wandering in the village to the forces of law and order, administration or their Fon.

He thanked them for the spirit of maturity, adding that politics should not tear families, homes, marriages, or a people but rather should unite them to consolidate their continued existence.

On the spot, he donated 10 bags of cement for the plastering of the Kup community hall, over 40 sheets of plywood to modernize the Kup palace and promised to construct the bridge over river Merry as well as provide pipe borne water for GS Kup.

He further said that he was not on a campaign trip but on a Thank You tour to commune with all the living forces, including militants of other political parties reasons why when he was sharing bags of salts to SDF wards, he made sure that militants of the CPDM who showed up also had their share of the parliamentary goodies.

Reacting to the worry raised by the fon of Kup on the rural electricity project, Hon. Awudu said that a team will in the days ahead storm Kup village to start the job. Before handing the bags of cement to the beneficiary, he also called on both SDF and CPDM militants to collectively support the transportation of sand given that development is best implemented when it is participatory.

He paid the technicians who will carry out the plastering of the community hall. He said though Kup has no councilor, he will happily play that role reasons why Kup village was chosen as the starting point of his parliamentary tour. On his part, the District chairman of the Nkambe electoral district, Mbeh Shey Wilfred, used the opportunity to call on SDF militants who have not yet registered in the electoral registrar to do so.

Other speakers included the SDF zonal chairperson, Bonda, SDF education Secretary Mary Awudu and SDF Secretary Sajoh Amidu Yerima.The parliamentary tour will take Hon. Awudu Mbaya and his entourage to Bongom, Mbabi, Chup, Konya on the second day, and on day three, they will be at Kindfu, Nwangri, Mbijah. Day four: Ntermbang and Mbanka. Day five: Wanti, Mbaa, Ntamru. Day six: Njema and Bih. Day seven: Mayo Binka, Lower Mbot and Mbikop. Day eight: Binshua and Binju. Day nine: Ntumbe/Ngotong, Kungi and Tabenken. Day ten: Saah. Day eleven: Binjeng. Day twelve: Wueng/Nfingong, Mantu, Ngie/Ngieku, Njap. Day thirteen: Binka. Day fourteen: Konchep, Moh and Nkambe

Enters Fon of Kup

One of the speakers who caught public attention during that historic visit was the fon of Kup. In his speech, he presented some pertinent problems which were re-echoed by the zonal chairman. The fon of Kup decried the fact that there is no road linking the farmlands and village which continue to result to post harvest losses and wastage. He said the population decided to construct a temporary bridge but it is not solid enough for vehicles to use.

This bridge, he added, also links them with Lassin and there is a large community of their people living there. He presented the problem of the Kup community nursery school which has not been absurb by government though otgers created after them have all been taken over. He told the population that Hon. Awudu is Member of Parliament for all not only for the CPDM.