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Politique of Monday, 2 September 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Here Comes Decisive September

Actors in the September 30 legislative and municipal elections are intensifying field actions.

When President Paul Biya on July 2, 2013 signed the decree convening electors to the polls for twin legislative and municipal elections on Monday, September 30, 2013, many political actors and pundits considered the time too long. Time indeed runs fast and here now comes the decisive month of September with local and legislative elections whose results will certainly modify the political landscape of Cameroon.

Momentum is indeed gradually gathering on the field as actors such as political parties, Elections Cameroon, ELECAM, the administration and civil society organizations are working round the clock to ensure the success of the twin elections. After the rulings on pre-electoral petitions relating to candidacy lists, it is now clear that a total of 43 political parties will run for the two elections. Thirty three political parties are on the race to win councilors in Cameroon's 360 municipal councils, while 29 of them will be competing for the 180 seats in the National Assembly. The time to finalise winning strategies is now as election campaigns begin certainly on September 14, 2013, indeed after 12 days. Political parties such as President Biya's ruling Cameroon People's Democratic Movement, CPDM that is running for all the 180 seats in the National Assembly and 359 out of the 360 municipal councils has already created campaign commissions headed by party barons and finest of its supporters, besides the pre-campaign activity of encouraging party supporters withdraw their voter's cards. Other political parties such as the leading opposition Social Democratic Front, SDF, Maigari Bello Bouba's National Union for Democracy and Progress, NUDP, Cameroon Democratic Union, CDU of Dr Adamou Ndam Njoya, are intensifying pre-campaign field actions as they prepare for the campaign proper.

Elections Cameroon, ELECAM that is on its third test in organizing elections in Cameroon is at all fronts. Under ELECAM's supervision, the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation, SOPECAM has already finished printing ballot papers and campaign ballot papers for legislative election. Mboundja Soelle Isaac, staff in the Logistics and Electoral Materials Transportation Unit in ELECAM, who also coordinates printing of the material in SOPECAM told Cameroon Tribune that the ballot papers packed according to polling stations and classified per council area are being conveyed to the Yaounde Military Airbase for evacuation to their final destinations. Political parties have to collect their campaign ballot papers at ELECAM. The Deputy General Manager of the National Printing Press, Salomon Nguenang said the printing of campaign ballot papers for municipal election was going on. Other materials such as polling booths, ballot boxes were also being conveyed towards polling stations.

The administration whose mission is to grant accreditations to election observers and ensure security is ready. In accordance with Sections 284 and 285 of the Electoral Code, the administration also has to provide public funding for campaigns. Political parties are indeed waiting for the public funds to complement their resources.