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Infos Business of Sunday, 12 June 2016

Source: The Post Newspaper

Gov’t bans chicken from Bafoussam, Nigeria

The Government has banned chicken from Bafoussam and Nigeria, following the breakout of Avian Influenza otherwise known as bird flu.

Following the confirmation in Yaounde, Bafoussam in the West and the fact that the bird flu had earlier been identified in 21 States of Nigeria and, considering the fact that Northwest Region shares a long border with West Region, the Governor of the Northwest, Adolphe Lele L’Afrique, in collaboration with the Northwest Delegate of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr. Atanga Heinendez, has banned poultry and products of all forms from the West Region and Nigeria into Bamenda.

In a circular titled; “Intensification of Control Against Avian Influenza” and the Regional Order issued June 6, the Governor and the Delegate state that the objective is to prevent possible spread of the disease that has already taken control four Subdivisions in the West Region, claiming over 100 million fowls and colossal sums of FCFA 200 million being losta day.

The order stipulates that all the check points set up in 2006 to control bird flu should be reactivated;that special control beintensified at all entry routes to Cameroon from Nigeria and between the West Region and Northwest Region of Cameroon.

The areas concernedare: Donga Mantung Division in villages suchas; Abongshie, Buku, Ako, Lus, Sabongida, Ntim, Sabongari. Areas to watch in Menchum Division are;Esu and Baworo and in Momo it is Widikum.

Poultry farmers and veterinary officials have been advised to frequently visit major poultry farms, report instantly any abnormal mortality of fowls to hierarchy for immediate follow-up and collection of appropriate samples.

Movement of all poultry products and equipment from West Region and Nigeria are prohibited till further notice.


News of the outbreak of bird flu in the Centre Region of Cameroon has left many consumers of birds in Bamenda indifferent to the situation. Prices of birds and eggs have neither increased nor decreased in most quarters in Bamenda town. Consumption has also remained stable.

A Bamenda egg seller, Courage Fai, explains that she use to buy two trays of eggs at FCFA 1,500 each.

“With the news of the outbreak, I was surprised that my supplier still gave a tray at the same FCFA 1,500. I still sell two trays in one day as before and my buyers have not complained of the pandemic,” Fai averred.

George Neba,working in a chicken palouralong the Commercial Avenue narrates that the prices of his chicken has not reduced, I heard the news of the outbreak and took it with a pinch of salt. I was surprised that my buyers also did same because since then, I have neither reduced my prices nor have increased the slices ofchicken and my sales are the same.”

Except for a few who complain and demand to know the hygienic condition of the chicken before eating it, a majority of my customers eat without any questions.”

The President of the union of bird sellers at the Bamenda Food market,Evelyn Nesi, explained that, the prices of birds have neither increased nor decreased.

“Prices have remained the same, although prices fluctuate, but there has been no reduction because of the scare. Sales too have remained the same. A bird that used to sell at FCFA 6,500 some months back is the same today,” Nesisaid.

The President mentioned that a few consumers come to the market with a wrong mentality that prices of birds have fallen due to the news, but warns that any consumer who comes with this mentality will regret.

“Anyone who comes with FCFA 2,000 hoping to buy a huge chicken will feelhumiliated.If they believe the birds are infected,why then do they want to buy them? Will buying at low prices take care of the disease,” Nesi lamented.
She said they work together with the Government to prevent the spread of the influenza to Bamenda.

“We make sure that our hygienic conditions are up to standards as demanded by the Ministry of Livestock. With faith and prayers, I believe that the disease will not come to Bamenda,” she observed.

Another seller at Below Foncha Market in Bamenda, Alliance Miengheu, affirms that the prices of birds have not reduced.

“The population should cancel from their minds the rumors that the prices of birds have reduced because the influenza is not even in Bamenda. We buy in bulk from the poultry still at the prices we used to buy,” Miengheu revealed.