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Politique of Sunday, 20 September 2015

Source: The Post Newspaper

Ghost CPDM sub-sections inundate national territory

The thousands of ghost sub-sections and cells of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM, existing nationwide, have been identified as the major reason why the party’s Chairman, Paul Biya, ordered for reorganisation.

Incumbent section President of the Meme IB (Kumba II Subdivision) Jacob Matchou Kay, made the observation on September 14, while addressing militants of the Housa Quarter I Sub-section of Fiango in Kumba.

According to Matchou, the CPDM National Chairman, the party hierarchy have realised that the party started with some “fake errors” which failed to give a true picture of its strength and the commitment of militants to its wellbeing.

The Section President told the militants that President Biya has decided to overhaul the party and get first-hand data on how the party is functioning nationwide.

He averred that, in the past decades, some party comrades were creating hundreds of ghost sub-sections and cells with no active representation, for selfish political motives.

Illustrating the syndrome of ghost sub-sections, the section executive demanded all cell Presidents present in the meeting to stand up. Surprisingly, only three persons answered present out of 60 cell Presidents that make up the Hausa Quarter I sub-section.

Admitting that the cankerworm was even severe in his own house, the Section President urged militants to buy their party cards and get set for reorganisation. He assured the militants that everyone has the right to vie for any position, provided the person in question meets up with the requirements of the party.

Asked if he was going to go in for the elections, Matchou declared that, as an incumbent Section President, he need not go about announcing his candidature. He said he is waiting for other persons to declare their intentions and the militants will decide.

The same cry for militants to get their party cards was echoed by alternate Senator Richard Njikam, who has already announced his ambition to challenge the incumbent. Njikam chastised militants who sit back and wait for aspirants to purchase party cards and pay other dues for them.

Earlier, the host sub-section President, Suleman Mohammed, observed that the data of the basic organs they are relying on was constituted in 2009 by the late Honourable Namata Ewanga. Suleman stressed that, considering the time so far, some militants have decamped to the opposition, while others have died or moved out of Kumba.

While other militants were making known their intentions to contest for positions, Suleman simply announced that he was stepping down as sub-section President.

Taking the cue, incumbent Meme IB youth President, Gabriel Ayemelong, told those wishing to replace him that, he remains in charge till after December 10, 2015, when fresh elections would have been conducted.

He explained to militants that any Section President and other executive members, who cannot win any national elections, mean nothing to the party Chairman, Paul Biya. Ayemelong advised the section to work in unity, irrespective of the reorganisation, so that in the forthcoming elections, the opposition will be defeated.