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Actualités of Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

German unity celebrated in Yaoundé

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Cameroon, Holger Mahnicke says his country firmly supports Cameroon in the fight against the Boko Haram terrorist group.

He stated that, the commitment of the German government is to support Cameroon as the host country of refugees who have mostly escaped from sectarian fighting and insecurity in the Central African Republic and Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria.

He made the declarations at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel, while chairing celebrations marking 25 years of the unity of Germany.

"West and East Germany reunited on October 3, 1990, thereby closing the dark post-Second World War history in which the country was defeated and consequently divided into two during the Cold War period. Many cabinet ministers, members of the diplomatic corps joined Germans resident in Cameroon to celebrate the 25 years of the historic event in the country’s history".

The ambassador said a new German policy since 2014 that hinges on the role of German diplomacy in the world begins on the 21st century. He said the effective implementation of the policy is concentrating efforts and working with partners in regions affected by insecurity.

Cameroon that falls in this category of countries, has been identified as the natural German partner. Though located in a turbulent region, he appreciated the fact Cameroon has succeeded to maintain its stability. This therefore, justifies the German support to Cameroon in fighting Boko Haram and tackling refugee problems ,he added.

Holger Mahnicke lauded other aspects of bilateral relations between Cameroon and Germany. He singled out exchange visits by senior officials of both countries. He talked of the visit of Dr Gerd Muller, German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development to Cameroon in February 2015 and also the visit of Gunter Nooke, Representative of the German Chancellor for Africa in April 2015.

The diplomat announced that a delegation of German parliamentarians will be visiting Cameroon in the coming three weeks.