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Politique of Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Source: Cameroon Journal

Fru Ndi warns against radicalization of dictators by the West

The leader of the leading opposition party in Cameroon, the Social Democratic Front (SDF) party, John Fru Ndi has condemned the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, in which 129 people died and 300 others injured. Fru Ndi condemned the attacks during an executive meeting of the party in his Bamenda, Saturday, November 14.

The SDF National Communication Secretary, Beatrice Annembom Munjo who informed the press of Fru Ndi’s statement on the attacks, also said the SDF leader used the opportunity to warn against western policies that radicalize dictators. Fru Ndi reportedly said that it was better to use democratic approach and not brute force to deal with dictators around the world.

The party’s National Executive Committee members, besides joining the party leader to condemn terrorism in general, also focused on the crisis rocking the party, especially in the Littoral Region where supporters are reportedly determined to block the candidature of the incumbent regional coordinator, Jean Michel Nitcheu in the ongoing re-organisation of the grassroots structures of the party.

Fru Ndi is said to have warned that he would not entertain party observers who flood NEC meetings with the intention to intimidate or influence decisions. The warning stemmed from the massive presence of party supporters from the Littoral region who were around, indicative of the controversies rocking the reorganization of SDF structures in Douala.