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Infos Santé of Friday, 12 February 2016

Source: carmer.be

Fokoué: Student train to handle stroke victims

Photo d'archive utilisée juste a titre d''illustration Photo d'archive utilisée juste a titre d''illustration

Students and teachers of bilingual public school Fokoué city can now come to the rescue of a Victim of a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) and other cardiovascular diseases.

Through a demonstration made in the courtyard of their school on Friday, February 5, 2016, they were sufficiently equipped on the basic techniques of CVA.

At the initiative of the Cameroonian Foundation of heart, this training campaign for students and teachers is part of its "Dare to save; I learn for life."

According to Yves Hako, this program allows the Cameroonian Foundation of heart which he is one of the leaders to go beyond its mission of awareness and be more pragmatic through training.

For him, given the number of increasingly growing cases of sudden cardiac arrest and death, it is imperative that everyone can master the gestures that can be useful when facing a cardiac arrest and requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"Do not just go to someone who is a CVA, but above all know what is needed to move the person to be rescued," he said.

By directing one of the segments of its activities towards young people, the Cameroonian Foundation for heart hopes that these are not only able to help their comrade unwell in the playground, but also to relay this valuable information to their families.

Until then more present in urban areas, the Cameroonian Foundation of heart would be more open to the rural area. Insofar says Yves Hako, people living in rural areas are more confronted with the lack of health facilities, and health professionals can effectively manage any cases of CVA.

To avoid that victim die, he advises, it is important to observe these gestures; time to take them to a hospital with sufficient technical platform for a more serene management.