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Actualités Régionales of Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Source: alafnet.com

Fako SDO bans female high shoes on 20th May

The SDO for Fako, Zang III has publicly declared that women who will wear high heel shoes will not be allowed to come to the ceremonial ground to disturb the celebrations on May 20.

The Fako SDO, who was chairing the first preparatory meeting of the event at the Limbe City Council Hall, on Wednesday, April 20, regretted that though the National Day is a very solemn and important occasion in the life of every nation, many people usually take it for granted.

One of the groups of people he identified as usually causing unnecessary distraction and undermining the importance of the ceremony are women who usually wear high heel shoes that cannot allow them to walk freely. These women, he stressed, usually distort protocol and at times are forced to remove the shoes and hold in their hands.

To this end, the SDO immediately ordered the Commander of the Limbe Naval Base and the forces of Law and order to ensure that no woman with high heel shoes is allowed into the grandstand on that day. He warned that anybody who will violate his instructions would face his wrath.

One other issue the SDO also jettisoned as far as the 20th May celebration is concerned is late coming by invitees. According to him, once he officially arrives the grandstand, no other person irrespective of their social status will be allowed to enter the grandstand.

Hear him: “if anybody comes to take up a seat in the grandstand when I am already there, I will get up and give my seat to that person, and you know what that means. I am the representative of the Head of State, and I did not appoint myself.”