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Politique of Friday, 8 July 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Elecam registers 376,000 new voters

The 2016 voter registration process that started on January 2, 2016 is going strong with 375,925 Cameroonians registering on voters' registers by the elections management body, ELECAM as of July 1, 2016.

According to statistics on the voter registration situation released by ELECAM on July 5, 2016, 223,542 men registered as against 152,383 women.

The Centre Region ranks first with 64,229 newly registered voters, followed by the Littoral with 59,526. Meanwhile, the Far North Region comes in third position with 54,434 voters.

Sources at ELECAM's headquarters in Yaounde say new strategies introduced this year such as using guides to penetrate neighbourhoods, registration by mobile teams in places of popular gathering such as meeting houses, off-licences, public pay phone booths and events, amongst others, are paying off as many new voters attest that it had hitherto been difficult for them to reach ELECAM registration teams, usually posted only around popular roundabouts.

Less than two months before the August 31 deadline, ELECAM officials remain confident that more new voters will add up to published figures.