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Actualités Régionales of Saturday, 9 April 2016

Source: alafnet.com

Ebolowa: Man transforms into cockroach

This happened in Ebolowa recently at Mékalat Ebolowa district, just beside the church of EPC Mvila grace.

Despite all his efforts, Evina alias Evijo could not get out of the rim of the truck where he was trapped after entering .

According to his own statements, Evina transformed into lizard and entered the rim in the night. But it is unclear how he has metamorphosed into a cockroach. That’s when he was abandoned by his colleagues at day break and he ended trapped in a rim as a human being .

The said rim of a truck was suspended between two poles with a hook, serving as a bell for the EPC church (Presbyterian Church in Cameroon Mvila grace.

He spent the night in the rim and was Woke up early in the morning by people who were surprised to see him in this incomprehensible posture.He tried to get out but in vain.Stunned and with compassion, people decided to try and rescue him.

For hours the crowd who tried every possible method could not remove him.The idea to take him to a welder to cut the rim was quickly rejected for fear of choking.

When all hope was almost lost, a team of firefighters descended on the scene. They sprayed him with soapy water, which allowed the rim to move his body.

Instead of removing it via the lower limbs, he was asked to raise his arms by elements of firefighters service who put hooks on either side of the rim and using their craft, brought out the rim through the head. The exercise was very scary and to the greatest dismay of onlookers , Evina escaped with just minor injuries on the stomach and arms.