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Politique of Thursday, 12 May 2016

Source: alafnet.com

Early Elections: SDF yet to say its last word

The question of an early presidential election is still on everyone’s mind in Cameroon and that same question was at the heart of discussions at the meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) last Saturday in Ntarikon-Bamenda.

For the main opposition party, we must prepare for every eventuality. It is, therefore, the question for them to develop a plan B in case of a surprise announcement of an anticipated election by Paul Biya, only to master the electoral calendar in Cameroon.

According to the daily Le Messager of Tuesday, May 10, 2016, well-fed sources report that the Deputy of the party, Joseph Mbah Ndam strived to support that it is impossible under the law to hold an early presidential Cameroon.

A correspondence was addressed by the SDF to the President of the Republic in which he railed against the possibility of a presidential election, said the newspaper. To the question whether the recipient replied to that letter, Senator Paul Haman of the SDF says, “when there is an answer, we do not publish in newspapers. The strategic committee takes a look at it“.

The Deputy National Secretary of Communication of the SDF reported further that the party is against the amendment of the constitution: “We consider the event of an amendment of the constitution for an early presidential election as a rumour. At the upcoming NEC, we will take a stronger position on the functioning of Elections Cameroon, on the electoral code and we will make concrete proposals on the revision of the constitution as the SDF is against the amendment “, says Denis Nkemlemo.