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Infos Business of Sunday, 31 January 2016

Source: cameroon-info.net

Douala: Travel agencies threaten strike action

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A prefectural order has been signed for the eviction of travel agencies in Wouri latest January 31, 2016. The agencies that serve western regions, North-West, South-West and Moungo Division, are asked to leave the points they occupy in the city of Douala to reach the bus station Bonaberi-Sodiko.

Eric Fotso Kouwo, president of the National Union of intercity agency owners in Cameroon (Synaprotia-Cam), meets this prefectural measure by a strike threat. "Once an agency will be affected, there will be no travel," he said in the daily newspaper Le Jour of Friday, January 29, 2016.

According to him, the agencies can not settle in Bonaberi-Sodiko because the bus station is unhealthy and lack space. It would be important to work with mayors and Divisional Officers to arrange adequate spaces for passenger boarding. "It is by working together that we can clean up the city. We want modernism in our industry. We do not want passengers to be pulled as if they were bandits, "said the president of Synaprotia-Cam.

The union advocates the establishment of charging points in all districts because "a quality service can be provided and everyone can find his account."