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Actualités Régionales of Thursday, 14 April 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Douala:Residents exhorted to take sanitation seriously

They received wheelbarrows, spades, brooms and shovels from the Douala II Council on April 9, 2016.

In spite of the ‘Most Clean Neighbourhood Competition’ organised by the Douala II Sub-divisional Council over the years, New Bell Hausa Centre is yet to meet the standards of a clean neighbourhood.

In order to remedy the situation, Mayor Denise Fampou, who was represented by his deputy, El Hadj Mouhamadou Yakoubou, on April 9, 2016, handed over a gift of wheelbarrows, shovels, spades and brooms, etc, to the Hygiene and Sanitation Committee of New Bell Hausa Centre.

According to the residents, the gifts were timely on two accounts: the neighbourhood needed a facelift like other parts of New Bell have achieved over the years, while the launch of hygiene and sanitation activities was long-awaited. While installing the 45-person executive, the Neighbourhood Leader, El Hadj Housseni Adamou Labo, called on them to take their task seriously and not misuse the donated material.

Cholera must be flushed out of the neighbourhood through proper hygiene and sanitation, he insisted. The team is led by Soulemani Ibrahim, who replaced Angoula Lucas, El Hadj Housseni Adamou as Honorary President and El Hadj Mouhamadou Yakoubou as Vice Honorary President.