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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Source: CRTV

DNA: African-American traces her root to Far North Region

The Roots to Glory Tours an organization aimed at tracing the roots of Africa-Americans has succeeded to trace the origin of a Chicago-born Mutueeat Lawal.

After a DNA test, it was proven that Mutueeat Lawal hails from the Massa tribe of the Mayo Danai Division the Far North Region.

In view of this, a ceremony of recognition was organized on her behalf by natives of the Massa tribe based in Yaounde and she was equally given a Massa name “Firida” an appellation for “Joy” in English.

She also got a foretaste of the Massa culture, the dances and traditional dishes, arts and crafts and fabric.

It was a joyous moment for her and the natives of Massa so she could not help but tear out for joy and thanked God for having helped discover her root.
The president of the “Roots to Glory Tours” Ada Brown also expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the marvelous discovery. The Minister of Youth Affairs Mounouna Foutsou who hails from Massa also witnessed the ceremony.

Mutueeat Lawal leaves Cameroon but promises to be back and enculturate the language and customs of the Massa.

It is obvious that even her siblings from the same parents are from the Massa clan and that Firida, the new found daughter of the soil, should be passionate about the plight of her brothers and sisters of the Far North Region facing the Boko- Haram threats.