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Infos Santé of Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Source: CRTV

Conjoint twins, Davis and Daryl evacuated for surgery

The set of conjoint twins, Davis and Daryl, born on 27th August 2014 in the Banso Baptist Hospital have been evacuated to Tunisia for a surgical operation.

Prior to their departure, the Minister of Public Health, Andre Mama Fouda and that of Social Affairs, Catherine Bakang Mbock visited them.

The Public Health Minister announced their evacuation during the visit at the Chantal Biya Foundation on Monday 7th September 2015.

The conjoint twins, linked at the abdomen had been hospitalised at the Foundation for about four months.

In the meantime, the most recent case of conjoint twins, born at the Bambalang District Hospital in Ndop in the Ngohketunjia Division on 13th August, 2015 are hospitalised at the Chantal Biya Foundation, undergoing medical examinations.

It is worth indicating that before Davis and Daryl, a set of conjoint twins Sheavvaboh and Sheamboh were born and later evacuated to Saudi Arabia where they were successfully separated in a surgery.