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Infos Business of Thursday, 4 February 2016

Source: The Post Newspaper

Chamber Of Commerce elections February 4

The election of members of the Cameroon Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Crafts has been scheduled for February 4 across the national territory.

According to a release by the Secretary of the Electoral Commission, Halidou Bello; “polling stations shall be opened from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm in Divisional offices, Markets and Regional Delegations of the Chamber of Commerce.”

It was within this backdrop that the Littoral Regional Delegation of the Chamber of Commerce officially launched campaigns for the elections in the Region on January 29.

Speaking at the occasion, the out-going President of the Chamber of Commerce, Hon Christophe Eken, urged all Presidents of the associations of traders union in Douala to mobilise their members to massively turnout on February 4.

He stressed that as the nation’s economic capital, the Littoral Region is has a lion share of the electorate in the country. He regretted that the Region recorded a low voters’ turnout in the last election.
Hon Eken said he was seeking re-election as President. It should be noted that it is the President of the Republic who designates the President of the Chamber of Commerce.

One of the outgoing Vice-Presidents of the Chamber of Commerce, EkokoMukute, Director General of the Spectrum Group was also present at the occasion.

Importance Of SMEs

The Littoral Regional Delegate of the Chamber of Commerce, Hon Albert Collins KouohDooh, stressed to traders, industrialists, service-providers and craftsmen and women that the Cameroon Chamber of Commerce exists because of them and for them.

He said since the Chamber was created by the State because of them, it is their right to elect members from among them to run the different Sections and Sub-Sections of the Chamber. Stressing on the importance of small and medium size enterprises, SMEs, to the economy of Cameroon, Hon Dooh, asserted that some 80 percent of the economic activities in the country is in the hands of SMEs operators.

All Is Set

The Secretary General of the Chamber, Halidou Bello, who is also Secretary of the Electoral Commission, assured that all was set, for the February 4 elections in all the 10 Regional Delegations of the country.

He said the lists of candidates, as well as the list of electors nationwide, have all been validated.

He, however, disclosed that there was a problem in the Northwest Region related to the elections, but noted that the President of the Chamber, Hon Eken, personally led a delegation to Bamenda to resolve the matter. The Secretary General said the Chamber had contacted Elections Cameroon, ELECAM, to request for transparent ballot boxes to ensure transparency at the elections.

Missions Of Chamber

The Cameroon Chamber of Commerce is “a Consular Chamber representing the private sector, and is responsible for the protection of the sector’s interest vis-à-vis public authorities, states the law.
The Chamber plays the role of consultative organ representing interests linked to trade, industry, craft, mining and service provision to public authorities.

The Chamber has a number of missions which include Consultation Mission, Economic Promotion Mission and Specific Mission. As regards the Economic Promotion Mission, the Chamber “undertakes quarterly studies of the economic situation in the country and the means of increasing its prosperity. Consequently, the Chamber builds statistics on the areas of competence and conducts research on production, marketing, importing or exporting conditions, with a view to their improvement.

The Chamber also: A) Issues commercial and professional documents within its areas of competence, notably businessmen’s cards and certificates of goods meant for export. B)Organisers and participates in trade fairs and exhibitions as well as national and international events. C) Participates in meetings and missions of a commercial and economic nature in and out of Cameroon, notably when issues to be discussed concern its sector of activity, or when so requested by Government. D)Provides useful information to professionals and to the public and provides permanent technical assistance to all its members.

New Faces

There are indications that some new faces will enter the Chamber after the February 4 elections. One of such personalities is the Douala -based international legal consultant, Barrister Nico Halle, who, The Post has learnt, is a candidate on one of the lists in the elections. Barrister Halle was spotted at the January 29 occasion in Douala.

The February 4 election will also led to the election or replacement of the late Francoise Foning, who was the President of the Industry Section of the Chamber.