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Infos Santé of Saturday, 5 December 2015

Source: cameroon-info.net

Cameroonians consume too much salt - Andre Mama Fouda

The Ministry of Public Health, Andre Mama Fouda, salt consumption rate in Cameroon is more than 7g per day, which is too much and could lead to heart ailments.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), salt consumption should be 2g per day.

“Cameroonians consume too much salt. Something that was not their habit some years back," said André Mama Fouda, Minister of Public Health.

MINSANTE siad “consuming salt is good, but in moderation is better."

"Over-consumption of salt is dangerous. Excessive consumption of salt increases the risk of high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, stroke, leading to death," warned Jean Paul Ngassam, nutritionist, who was quoted in La Nouvelle Expression of Friday, December 4, 2015.

A study carried out by the Ministry of Health showed that salt is excessively used in kitchens and in manufactured products such as (ham, salami, sausages etc.), canned (sardines, canned ham or pies, … ), the newspaper informed.

Also in biscuits and savory snacks (potato crisps or salty plantain, salted peanuts, shrimp fritters) and even in the cube.

“The cube is concentrated salt, and with some other added ingredients. When using salt, it’s useless to add cube, and vice versa. That is why today, in principle, we should make people understand that we must alternate the two," said Jean Paul Ngassam.

Following this study, on Monday, November 30, 2015, André Mama Fouda gave the kick-off for a campaign of the people of the city of Yaounde, on the “good” use of sodium chloride.