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Infos Business of Monday, 25 July 2016

Source: africanews.com

Cameroon wins economic reforms award

Cameroon and Bhutan have received an award as top economic reformers at the 2016 world investment forum held in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.

The award, a joint initiative of the Global Entrepreneurship Research Network and the U.S Department of state, recognises Cameroon’s efforts for making it easier for entrepreneurs to register their businesses and comply with laws and regulations.

A study by the Global Entrepreneurship Research Network says Cameroon emerged first out of the 17 members of the Organization for Harmonization of Business Law in Africa for its mybusiness.cm platform which makes it possible for companies to register their businesses online through one single form and payment.

The Global Entrepreneurship Research Network was created to simplify administrative procedures worldwide from business registration to its setting up.

Currently, only 29 countries have a single window while 130 countries have information portals. The foundation is encouraging all countries to put their businesses processes online by 2019.