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Infos Business of Saturday, 5 December 2015

Source: investiraucameroun.com

Cameroon oil production increase by 26%

At the end of October 2015, oil production in Cameroon has increased by 26% over the same period last year, standing at 28.6 million barrels, announced the National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH), which projects a total production of 34.9 million barrels by year-end.

However, the upturn observed in the production of gas for several months continued during the first 10 months of 2015.

In fact, sources revealed, the gas fields of the country have charged 11 feet of 3030,3 millions cubes of gas to end in October 2015, an increase 26.9% compared to October 2014.

At the end of 2015, domestic gas production SNH projects is expected to reach 13,783 million cubic feet.

On this petro-gas production, SNH announced global sales of 17.7 million barrels of oil, against 9430 million cubic feet of gas.

This has enabled the company secular arm of the State of Cameroon in the exploration and petro-gas development, to pay the Treasury a sum of 343.4 billion CFA francs on an annual forecast of 264 billion FCFA.

This has been possible despite a lackluster international oil situation.