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Infos Business of Friday, 6 May 2016

Source: kmersaga.com

Camair-Co: Employees want Nana Sandjo fired

Under the banner of the Collectif des employés patriotes de Camair-Co (Patriotic employees group of Camair-Co), they wrote to the Minister of Transport to demand the dismissal of their CEO.

Employees of Camair-Co, the national airline of Cameroon, are demanding the departure of Jean Paul Nana Sandjo, their CEO. According to information relayed by the newspaper La Meteo of May 4, 2016, they would have under the banner of the Patriotic employees group of Camair-Co, sent a letter to this effect on 18 April 2016, to the Minister of Transport, Edgard Alain Mebe Ngo’o.

In the correspondence, they threaten to drag Jean Paul Nana Sandjo before the Special Criminal Court, if the Government continues to maintain him at the company’s head. One of the passages of the letter to the Minister of Transport with the subject: “Malversations financières et risque de grève à la Camair-Co” is:

“We decided to enter the SCC soon if the government continues to refuse to change the CEO. We will not die all to lose our livelihood by the greed of one man. As he sacks all those who denounce his malpractice, we prefer to remain anonymous, but not for long. We will use all means possible, including strike action, to chase Mr. Nana Sandjo, whose only job is to steal our money. “

In the columns of the newspaper, we learn that after having produced a copy of the referred order of the High Court of Paris which ordered the expulsion of the Cameroonian company headquartered in the French capital for non-payment of rents of 20 000 euros (about 13 million FCFA), the group recalled that in October 2015, the same company was expelled for 6 months from the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) for unpaid bills amounting to 73 000 (more than 47.4 million FCFA).

Subsidiary of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), this organization offers to registered partners the regulation and organization of financial transactions between suppliers and airline resellers.

According to employees of the group, “we will soon be expelled from Roissy for unpaid bills“. The airport of Paris has already seized the company’s accounts meanwhile the company Eurocontrol is claiming 743,000 euros, and that failure to pay this sum, Camair-Co can no longer fly towards the French capital.