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Politique of Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Source: Cameroon Concord

CPDM Reorganisation: A leaking roof

Although results of the ongoing reorganization of the basic organs of the Cameroon People Democratic Movement [CPDM] are known in some constituencies, fierce campaigns, unreached consensus, death threats, street protests and accusations of witchcraft has characterized the exercise in some localities nationwide.

In Buea, Senators Mbella Moki and Peter Mafany, accused of being at the forefront of intrigues and open blackmail succeeded in disqualifying the list of the Mayor, Patrick Ekema who ‘’enjoyed’’ the backing from some Buea Chiefs.

Despite street protests, a petition to the party chairman, and open fighting between Chief Njombe Johnson and Chief Njieh of Buea, Mbella Moki still reigns supreme.

Some youths who were hired to vote for a fee of between 5000frs to 15000frs also protested as their own part of the bargain was never met on time after voting.

Although calm later returned to Buea when bank notes exchanged hands, some of the youths could be heard wondering aloud the kind of leaders Cameroonians are in for. In the North West Region, tension is gradually rising in Mezam 1A.

According to media reports all the Fons in Bamenda 2 are behind the candidacy of Rose Saningong who has refused to step down in favor of Tazong Abel Ndeh [the former Government Delegate to the Bamenda city council] or Cletus Matoya, an ally of Minister Atanga Nji Paul.

Acha Collins publicly observed that the CPDM has since the 90s lost elections in Mezam 1 because of bad leadership and called on his supporters to discard the old guards.

The situation in Menchum is recording another breakdance. Three contenders are at each others throat as counter accusations, panic, intrigues, manipulation, death threats, witch craft and black magic are the order of the day amongst aspirants and some militants.

Some militants in Wum central have taken advantage of the gossiping, disunity backstabbing among the hopefuls to make quick cash. Cat calls have also greeted the appearance of a former SDF shadow cabinet Minister, Aka Amuams’ name on multiple lists. However, Hon. Wallang Richard, Mayor Dighambong Anthony and Chou Cyprain are warming up for the battle for Aghem.

The trio are alleged to have secured enough party cards and "bought" a good number of idle youths for the voting day. Mayor Wasum of Balikumbat in Ngoketungia Division has rejected any alliance with Digha Ignatius.

There is a deadlock in Babessi constituency as the Nkwen Fons’ Palace in Bamenda 111 has remained the permanent secretariat of the reorganization activities.

It is certain that the reorganization of the basic organs of the ruling party has come to expose the other side of the coin many think it is a divided house under a leaking roof.