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Politique of Monday, 20 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

CPDM Regional Delegates commissioned

But the ruling party’s Official Clerk warned that Delegates are only a liaison with the Central Committee as Section Presidents remain veritable bosses in their constituencies.

The permanent Regional and Divisional supervisory delegations of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM), appointed respectively last December 9,2015 and May 19,2016, by the Party’s National Chairman, Paul Biya, were installed into their functions last June 16, 2016, in Buea, capital of the South West Region.

The caravan of the Central Committee conducting the commissioning of the appointed party delegates throughout the country, headed by the Party’s Secretary General (SG), Jean Nkuete, was in Buea after Maroua, Garoua, Ngaoundere, Bertoua, Ebolowa and Douala.

Following their commissioning, the South West Regional Permanent Delegation of the Central Committee of the ruling party is headed by Mr. Musonge Peter Mafany, former Cameroon’s Prime Minister.

Mr. Jean Nkuete, the party’s Secretary General who performed the installation ritual at the CNPS Hall, Mile 17 Buea, outlined the duties of the Regional appointees of the party as acting under the authority of the Secretary General of the party in supervising the divisional permanent delegations.

Equally, the six permanent divisional delegations of the CPDM, appointed last May, 19, 2016, for the South West were commissioned, headed by Monjowa Lifaka Emilia for Fako, Paul Tasong (Lebialem), Ngole Ngole Elvis (Kupe Muanenguba), Mengot Victor Arrey (Manyu), Itoe Benjamin (Meme) and Chief Dion Ngute Joseph (Ndian). The Divisional Delegations were assigned the mission to accompany the basic organs of the party in their proper functioning.

Addressing the audience before performing the installations, Mr. Jean Nkuete underscored for the attention of CPDM members that the party’s Section Presidents remain the veritable bosses in their constituencies.

He emphasised that the appointed Delegates are not substitutes to Section Presidents who remain dejure and defacto political bosses in their Sections.

To all, Mr. Nkuete urged to bury the past election hatchets, consider the overriding party interest and know that no victory within the CPDM is individual but collective.