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Politique of Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Source: kmersaga.com

CPDM MP slams comrades who call on Biya to run for election

The elected representative of the Ocean Division (Southern Region) believes that the President of the Republic of Cameroon will have difficulty finding a successor if he were to give up power. According to his, no one in his camp has the required skills.

After denouncing the high life of government officials spending on unnecessary things, the CPDM MP from the Ocean Division Martin Oyono is clearly opposed to calls for another candidacy of Paul Biya mostly initiated by his party comrades. He said the back of his mind on Saturday, April 9, 2016, during the radio program “Politude” broadcasted at noon on the airwaves of the National Station of CRTV.

Hon Oyono said he would leave the discretion to the President Biya to make a decision. He denounced those who play the “apprenti-sorciers“. And added that he trusted the wisdom of the Head of State of Cameroon “It’s not that he clings to power. He must find the correct time. And then the people of this drama are people who have other perceptions that I don’t at my age.

So there is a sensitivity that can be mystical and another who can tell him at a specific moment that the Lord said that “this is how you should do.” But not that people force him to want to do what he should not do … Because it is even harmful to us. “

Oyono Martin believes that if Paul Biya chooses to handover, he will not find a suitable candidate to succeed him.

“I say he will have difficulties because when I think of that candidate, the candidate he will come to propose, Cameroonians will be forced to tell the president: “look at his CV, Do you think that we will live in happiness with this kind of candidate?” Martin continues denouncing through his party.

He also welcomes the action of late Charles Ateba Eyene who was denouncing them. “Maybe he was violent, he personally attacked people and that’s what I have often criticized him, but he said truths against bad governance! “.

He believes that although he became dangerous to speak within the CPDM, he and those who fight for the advent of a “credible party” will continue to fight from within to change it.

“If we did not agree to go to other parties, it is because we want to improve the interior. We have the duty to do it, no one will prevent us from doing it, “he challenged.