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Politique of Sunday, 26 June 2016

Source: lcclc.info

CPDM MP blasts his party, steps out during votes

Even the CPDM, the political party in power, was not voted 100% for the adoption of the new penal code.

The Honourable Martin Oyono, CPDM MP of the Ocean Division, South Region, rowed against the tide of voting instructions given by the hierarchy of his party.

Paul Biya, CPDM National President and the other barons of the ruling party had given instructions to fully vote in favour of the new penal code. Their party has a majority of 180 MPs who make up the National Assembly.

But last Wednesday, June 22 at the plenary session, Honourable Martin Oyono during lively debates, wished the article providing the immunity of government members be dismissed. He said he drew the attention of the lower house on the fact that this article blatantly violates the Constitution.

“Members of the government are managers and as such, they answer to the Parliament, which is responsible for monitoring government action. If someone is a manager and also has immunity, it means we are above the law. This violates even the preamble of the constitution of the Republic.

This is why, during the debate, I said that I could not take the responsibility to vote a provision that is contrary to the constitution. So I’m just assuming my responsibility, ” said Hon. Martin Oyono.

To not endorse the forced passage of that bill, he left the room at the same time as his peers of the SDF and MRC, two opposition parties. Despite an avalanche of protests, the new Penal Code was finally adopted yesterday in its entirety.

After denouncing the embezzlement of some members of the government and administrative authorities in the populations indemnification file evicted for the Port construction project in Kribi, having clearly said no to calls for a new candidacy of Paul Biya at the next presidential election, Hon. Martin Oyono once again proved to be a rebel in his party.