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Politique of Monday, 2 November 2015

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

CPDM Centre Region commission satisfied with polls

Leaders and representatives of divisional commissions in charge of supervising the election of grassroots executive of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM, party in the Centre Region say the exercise is going on smoothly, notwithstanding challenges.

A meeting to evaluate the exercise was presided by the Chairman of the Centre Region’s Supervisory Commission, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo, assisted by four members, on October 30, 2015 in Yaounde.

Nine divisional commissions present reported that activities had been launched and local committees were already at work in the Lekie, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Mfoumou, Nyong and So’o, Nyong and Kelle, Mbam and Kim, Mbam and Inoubou, Mefou and Afamba and Mfoundi Divisions. Upper Sanaga’s Supervisory Commission was absent.

While holding that most of the statistics on the party’s grassroots implantation, including names and numbers of members, number and locations of cells, branches, sub-sections and sections, would be ready by today November 2, 2015, the representatives underscored challenges.

Malicious retention of cards, disturbing wave of resignations from supervisory commissions, payment of contributions and inaccessibility of certain areas due to the rains were common amongst challenges on the field. The quasi-inexistence of cells was also reported in some areas such as Mefou and Afamba.

In response, Prof. Fame Ndongo reiterated that the supervisory commissions had as first task to assess the party’s grassroots implantation and membership strength in all areas with emphasis on cells. While warning that party officials found guilty of hoarding cards would be dismissed from the party, he gave the go-ahead to Presidents of supervisory commissions to replace resigning members wisely but in line with basic party laws, though reporting to hierarchy.

He also requested that supervisory commissions endeavor to complete the polls process by the December 10, 2015 deadline. To that effect, two teams from the Regional Supervisory Commission will carry out field assessment visits to the headquarters of 10 divisions from November 4, 2015.

Meanwhile, chairmen of the 10 Regional Supervisory Commissions are scheduled to meet the Central Supervisory Commission chaired by the Central Committee’s Secretary General, Jean Nkuete, tomorrow November 3, 2015 in Yaounde for evaluation.