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Infos Business of Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Source: businessincameroon.com

CEMAC insurers to pay damages worth FCFA 382 mln

The Council of “Carte rose” (Pink card) offices, a tool established by the member-States of the CEMAC (Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic, Gabon, Chad and Equatorial Guinea) to facilitate payments of cross-border damages by insurance companies, reveals that the national offices received 232 claims over the 2013-2015 period.

These claims by policy holders, we learned at the end of an extraordinary meeting which just ended in Yaoundé, enabled the different “Carte rose” offices to facilitate payments worth a total of FCfa 382 million by insurance companies operating in the CEMAC area.

Established 20 years ago as part of the integration of risks to which policy holders are exposed (particularly drivers) in the CEMAC area, the “Carte rose”, as acknowledged by insurance experts, has not yet been fully adopted by drivers working in the transport across borders sector.