Infos Business of Friday, 22 August 2014


CDC to diversify its products to restore financial balance

The Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC), public agro-industrial company operating in banana, rubber and palm oil markets in the South West region is currently facing financial difficulties partly due to the lower prices of rubber in the international market.

This was said by the Minister of Agriculture, Essimi Menye at the installation ceremony of Benjamin Mutanga Itoe, the new PCA of the company on August 18.

To regain some financial stability, Minister Essimi suggested during a working session with the directors and senior company officials, that CDC should be able to diversify its products, for example, exploring the creation of tree fruit plantations which are prized by producers of natural juice, or else by venturing in horticulture.

In order to improve profits in its traditional products such as banana, oil palm and rubber, the Minister directed the new PCA to work for the rejuvenation of plantations and hand aging work.

CDC is the second largest employer after the state of Cameroon, with a total of 22,000 employees, against 200,000 for the Public Service.