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Infos Business of Saturday, 5 December 2015

Source: koaci.com

Budget session: Gov’t shaken by parliament

Les parlementaires lors d'une session, Archives Les parlementaires lors d'une session, Archives

After passing before MPs, members of the Cameroon government are questioned by the senators.

As an illustration, René Emmanuel Sadi, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (MINATD), was asked about the compensation of municipal magistrates.

The senators wanted to understand the process of compensation of municipal magistrates, MINATD said, "three billion CFA francs were already released by the government, as a proportionate share, for the payment of salaries of municipal magistrates."

The facilities, he added, have been taken for the construction of communal mini-cities. A credit line of 10 billion FCFA of eligibility conditions exists, but only the municipalities with more than 10 000 habitants were involved.

Abba Sadou, the Minister for the Presidency of the Republic for Public Procurement (Minmarp) was asked about the delays related to the implementation of public procurement in Cameroon.

The senators asked for explanations from Basile Atangana Kouna, the Minister in charge of Water and Energy (Minee), the controversy relating to the acquisition cost of a power plant installed in the Ahala area (Yaoundé) to FCFA ten billion.