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Infos Business of Saturday, 9 January 2016

Source: sharecast.com

Bowleven pleased with gas test results at Bomono Permit

Bowleven was pressing on with development of its activities at the onshore Bomono Permit in Cameroon this week, after positive results from its most recest testing.
The AIM-listed oil and gas exploration group, focused on operations in Africa, said an extended flow testing programme at Moambe and Singana was now complete.

It said the results to date continued to support their plans for an initial supply of around five to six million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD), to be used for power generation under a development scheme formulated with investor Actis and utility Eneo in Cameroon.

In a Bomono Exploitation Authorisation Application submitted to authorities in Cameroon last month, Bowleven described the initial development as being focused on the provision of feedstock for power generation from the shallower gas-prone sands.

The company said the block-wide evaluation of those sands, as well as the extra potential of deeper sands that were targeted within the wells, were ongoing.

"We are pleased with the results of the extended flow testing programme at Bomono, and are now looking forward to advancing gas sales negotiations and development planning", said Bowleven chief executive Kevin Hart.

In a statement, the company's board said the results of the tests have provided them with the confidence needed to progress with the development, consistent with plans to deliver near-term production alongside continued evaluation of the permit.