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Actualités Régionales of Friday, 15 January 2016

Source: lcclc.info

Boko Haram is constantly changing strategy- Governor

The administrative authority has recommended that prayers should now be supervised by members of the vigilance committees.

According to Cameroon Tribune, on Thursday, January 14, 2016, the young man carrying explosive charge went to the mosque to pray with the people. Just after the prayer, before the faithful went out, he triggered the explosive.

On the spot, it caused the death of 13 people including himself. The seriously wounded were evacuated urgently to Koza, to undergo treatment.

The governor of the Far North region Midjiyawa Bakari, immediately send "the condolences of the presidential couple to all those families affected by these barbarous and cowardly acts.”

He also asked the public not to lower their guard, rather redouble vigilance because Boko Haram is constantly changing tactics.

For the governor, “what is done by the vigilance committees should be copied and be implanted in the mosques. The prayers must now be supervised by the same members of vigilance committees. What is done outside must be done inside mosques.”

Faced with the joint actions of the Cameroonian army, Nigerian and mixed Multinational Force, the Islamic sect has changed strategy. It operates through suicide attacks.

Since July 2015, several such attacks attributed to Boko Haram has targeted the cities of the Far North. Since late November, several search operations are carried out in border communities in the Far North area to destroy the terrorist Islamist of Boko Haram.