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Actualités Régionales of Thursday, 26 November 2015

Source: carmer.be

Boko Haram back to Kerewa

Des militaires au Nord, Archives Des militaires au Nord, Archives

Over the past two weeks, the Kerewa village, situated at Kolofata district, has faced faces numerous incursions by members of the terrorist cult.

According to police sources, these attacks have intensified since the beginning of November 2015.

On the list of the various attacks, include the incursion of Boko Haram members on the night of November 3 in Manawachi, Bakarissé, and Mavari. The terrorists, in the aftermath, burnt the houses in these localities.

This attack caused the death of a girl in Bakarissé. In the same vein in Kerawa, two successive attacks were perpetrated by the assailants of the Boko Haram sect on the nights of November 8, 2015, and November 9.

However, they could not cause any damage because they were immediately repelled by elements of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (Bir).

Also on the night of November 11, 2015, Kouyapé and Kerawa was invaded by Boko Haram; an attack which led to one person killed and stolen food items by the insurgents.

Military post

According to a military official, these repetitive raids occured due to the lack of local security around these victimized areas.

In the case of Kerawa, for example, elements of Bir are encamped two kilometers away from the town that faces recurrent invasions of this obscurantist sect from Nigeria.

"In addition to this position, the Kerawa-Gakara corridor through Bakarisse, Sanda-up Wadjiri Kouyapé is not secured by the army, where the incursions of terrorists are severe," an inhabitant said.

This passage, which overlooks the town of Kouyapé near the Mayo-Moskota district, has also become the target of Boko Haram," analyzed a serving police officer in the Mayo-Sava.

He justified this statement by the attack on the Goldavi village five days. An invasion that resulted in nine dead and several wounded.

He believed that it is appropriate to establish a military post in Sanda-Wadjiri to overcome the terrorist incursions of Boko Haram.

This especially because the invaders are increasingly cornered by the Nigerian side where the army resumed its positions.