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Politique of Friday, 6 May 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Biya dismisses accusation over terrorist protection

The Head of State and President Buhari gave a dual press conference in Abuja last Wednesday, May 4, 2016.

The two-day State visit President Paul Biya accompanied by his wife, Chantal Biya paid to the Federal Republic of Nigeria ended Wednesday, May 04 with a dual press conference at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel. Not only did the press conference enable the two leaders to clarify certain issues on relations between the two countries, it was equally occasion to make brief assessments on the visit.

In his preliminary speech, President Biya underscored the importance of his coming to Nigeria, describing it as “very useful and friendly.” The visit, he told reporters, was useful because it enabled them to discuss different issues of mutual concern and friendly because it was occasion to underscore and take note of each country’s position on bilateral, regional and international issues. The meeting in Abuja, he said gave them another opportunity to lengthily examine problems concerning Boko Haram and to assert their determination to eradicate the phenomenon right to the end.

He said the military and security components of cooperation between Cameroon and Nigeria was quite important but that it was equally necessary to focus on the economic development component. Against this backdrop, they came to the conclusion that efforts have to be made to ensure that economic programmes see the light of day or are enhanced.

President Buhari on his part, said the issue of security and economy will remain topical for the two countries. Nigeria, he said is experiencing the effect of the fall in the price of oil on the international market because it has not very well diversified its economy in spite of the country’s rich natural resources. In this light, he told reporters, his country is envisaging enforcing its turn towards other sources of income notably agriculture which will help the country step up its employment.

Going back to the basics will mean working together with neighbours such as Cameroon, he said. On security, he expressed his gratitude to the Lake Chad Basin Commission and the Multinational Task Force that has worked tirelessly in the fight against Boko Haram and for occasionally coming into Nigerian territory and securing it against Boko Haram.


The question and answer session was virtually characterised by clarifications and putting things in their rightful perspectives for the two leaders. President Biya in answering to the question from the Nigerian press on media reports and accusations on Cameroon for lack of cooperation with Nigeria in the fight against terrorism and for “harbouring” terrorists chased from Nigeria, said Cameroon has never been indifferent at any moment on issues that concern Boko Haram. He expressed his surprise on this accusation which he said, he had equally heard during a conference in Europe.

“What can bring us close to Boko Haram; ideology, financial interest or religion? This is unimaginable”, he said, dismissing that as wrong information. Cameroon, he assured has always fought terrorism and has amplified this action and today everyone can see that Cameroon is fully engaged in the fight in collaboration with Nigeria, Chad and Niger.

The Nigerian leader on his part assured reporters while responding to the question on why Nigeria has continued to tap maritime resources in the Bakassi area, notably hydrocarbon, that his country is law abiding and respecter of international law. The International Court of Justice made its ruling and gave the disputed part of the peninsular to Cameroon.

But the technical part of the extent of international waters is being worked upon by the Cameroon-Nigeria commission of experts whose recommendations are being awaited for a decision to be taken. “I will like the government and the people of Cameroon to put their mind in peace on this issue”, he said.