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Actualités of Thursday, 11 February 2016

Source: CRTV

Biya calls for dev't of agriculture and digital economy

The President of the Republic has reassured the youths that efforts over the past few years have started paying off, despite the fact that government’s capacities to create jobs have been constrainted by external factors related to the external environment and some domestic red tape.

The role of the youth in economic development was one of the major concerns raised by Head of State in his address to the youths.

He urged the entire nation to resolutely mobilize and support the numerous initiatives undertaken by young people in the country in diverse fields.

In this regard, President Paul Biya instructed that;

“-The Government should systematically and effectively continue setting up appropriate infrastructure, but also cleaning up and properly regulating this key sector in the interest of the national economy and the development of youth

-  Public or private training institutions are called upon to fully play their role. They must identify the new trades and tailor their syllabuses accordingly.

-  Large enterprises and other public and private entities should set the example by progressively carrying out their own digital switchover.

-  Financial institutions definitely stand to benefit by developing specific
programmes to support youth-initiated projects in this new economy.

It is through such collective commitment that we will be able to rise to the
challenge of digital transition.”

President Paul Biya noted that the agriculture and digital economy sectors require continues effort and the stepping up the professionalization of secondary education.

He acknowledged the fact that different stakeholders have mobilized to progressively provide qualified human resources to the job market from higher institutions of learning that meet the new requirements.  

The Chief Executive noted that because enterprises are not seeking out for just
graduates, but a labour force that is well trained in specific trades and that is constantly adapted to global trends, the Government has opened three Pilot Centres of Excellence in Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima.

The projects that cost about 21 billion FCFA will provide retraining and skills upgrading for senior technicians and other skilled workers.

In a mid to drive the country to emergence by 2035, the Head of State recalled the launching of the extensive industrialization programme outlined on 31 December, last year, which should create many job opportunities but emphasised on the development of the agricultural sector.

The youths were told to courageously plunge and become the agricultural entrepreneurs describing it as a noble and rewarding trade in the so-called real economy.

Urban workers have been called up to show the example by undertaking activities in rural areas and making villages more youth-friendly.

Youths have been invited to take advantage of the many Government programmes designed to support rural development. 

“To each generation, its historic challenges for the nation’s future! I can say that one of the major challenges for our youths is to manage to keep abreast of the astounding phenomenon of the digital economy.” He said.

The so-called "Android" generation have also been challanged to develop the digital economy which is determinant to the future.