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Actualités Régionales of Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Biometric Registration - 4.501 Registered in SW

Begun in the South West Region last 3 October, the biometric registration of voters has hit a total of 4.501 potential voters as of 20 October, 2012.

The exercise has so far been going on in Buea , Limbe I, II and III Council areas in Fako Division.

Yesterday, Monday, the South West Regional Delegate of ELECAM, Emmanuel Njang, held the last quarterly meeting with his six Divisional ELECAM heads from Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, Ndian , Kupe Muaneguba and Fako . The quarterly meeting took the twist of an instructional come-together to acquaint the branch heads with latest directives from ELECAM head office in Yaounde on the training programme for kit operators in the various Divisions. So far registration has been carried out only in one Division, Fako, out of the six in the Region.

Meme was scheduled to kick off registration in Kumba this week. Lebialem, Manyu and Kupe Muanenguba will train their kit operators next Thursday (25 October) followed by Ndian Division scheduled for 29-31 October.

Lebialem will train 25 kit operators for Wabane, Alou and Fontem Central Council areas. Manyu Division will form 34 kit operators for its four Council areas. Kupe Muanenguba's share of trainees will be 23 for Tombel, Nguti and Bangem Council Branches. Ndian will train the lion's share of 53 kit operators for its nine Council areas. Fako had already trained 28 kit operators for Tiko, Idenau, Muyuka, Buea and Limbe I, II and III. Meme will approximate 41 operators for Kumba, I, II and III and Mbonge Council areas.

On the whole, the South West is expected to register 606.469 voters by the end of the exercise next February. Of the lot, Kupe Muanenguba has a target of 61.883, Lebialem has a target to register 83.383 voters, Ndian (58.718), Manyu (108.635), Meme (132.291) and Fako (161.559).