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Actualités Régionales of Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Bertoua gendarmerie frees two hostages

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Two former hostages were released by a unit of the national gendarmerie last night in the Mbitom forest, in the district of Bertero Oya, Department of Lom-and-Djerem.

Thousands of curious persons and motorcycle riders stormed the premises of the legion of the gendarmerie of Bertoua, on Monday, September 21, 2015, to see Aladji Abdoulaye and his nephew, Yaouba Abdoulaye.

The two shepherds were kidnapped “at about 5 o'clock in the morning while they were taking their flocks to pasture in the rain on Wednesday, September 16, 2015,” according to Yaouba Abdoulaye.

The kidnappers then sent a message to the head of Mbitom for him to provide the ransom of 30 million FCFA for the release of his two subjects.

“As soon as this traditional authority gave the alert, we dispatched elements on the ground. A hunt was launched. A rendez-vous for the Exchange was made with the Oumarou, their emissary. Once at the scene of the transaction, there was rather an exchange of shots.

"One of the kidnappers was killed, four others arrested including the sponsor, Djibrila Youssoufa,” revealed colonel Enow Eyong, Commander of the legion of the gendarmerie of the East.

The four hostage-takers were also presented yesterday to the Governor of the East, Samuel Dieudonné Ivaha Diboua.

The public thought it was rather the release of the Mayor of Lagdo (arrondissement of the Benue River, Northern Region) who was abducted in the Eastern Region on March 19, 2015, with other inhabitants of the town. The Commander of the legion of gendarmerie told CT that "all means are being implemented to find them. Their captors required 5 billion FCFA.”

Meanwhile, other abduction attempts were recorded in the town of Bertoua. In this case, it was on September 3, which involved the Governor of the region's General Secretary, Mrs Rachel Akono Ngazang.

This has led to the multiplication of strategy meetings. Moreover, after the presentation of the hostages released to the authorities, the Governor found himself with his staff for a safety meeting.