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Politique of Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Bernard Njonga launches a political party, CRAC

The press conference relative to the creation of this political party will be held Tuesday next in Yaoundé.

‘Croire au Cameroun; (CRAC) is the name of the political party that will be launched 28 October at the Hilton in Yaounde by Bernard Njonga, best-known to the general public in the context of the defence of the interests of farmers and pastoralists in Cameroon.

In the past, he was notably seen very active in the fight against the import of frozen chicken, the promotion of sovereignty and food self-sufficiency, the denunciation of the diversion of funds and public facilities for agricultural producers, among others.

Since the new political party he wears on the baptismal bet on the development of agro-sylvo-pastoral activities (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forest), he is presented as first lever for socio-economic development in Cameroon.

Starting from the fact that the country has enormous potential in this field but which remains under-exploited and that there is a large domestic demand, which is not satisfied, it resulted in the massive imports of foodstuffs.

Bernard Njonga resigned from the Presidency of ACDIC (Association citoyenne de défense des intérêts collectifs). In the statement announcing his resignation on 13 October 2014, he noted that "this resignation does not indicate that I give up the fight”.