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Actualités Régionales of Friday, 17 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Bamusso Council: Lack of collaboration hinders dev’t

Councilors of Bamusso Council in Ndian Division of the South West Region recently adopted the 2015 Administrative and Management accounts at 366,771,776 FCFA, with expenditure of 306,270,584 FCFA and carry-over of 60,501,192 FCFA.

The first ordinary session, which was aimed at discussing and adopting the administrative account, took place recently under the watchful eyes of the Divisional Officer for Bamusso, Joseph Ndille.

Addressing the councilors during stormy deliberations, the Mayor, Etongo Grace Mbeng, noted that even with the above balance of over 60 million FCFA moved to the 2016 budget, not up to a third of the council’s projects have been executed.

The Mayor attributed this to lack of collaboration between the executive and council, and disagreements between the Mayor and some council officials. She however expressed optimism that the remaining months of 2016 will yield better results.

Mayor Etongo Grace condemned the attitude of some senior aides that has created division among council staff, with some no longer respecting her. She decried the non-presence of council accounts in the SIM-BA software, which is a national programme, the theft of council files by some staff, the non-payment of the council’s legal retainer (lawyer) and the regular absence of deputy mayors in offices. All this, she said, contributes to the slow development of the municipality.

Etongo Grace Mbeng warned that staff who fail to present their academic credentials alongside employment decisions, will be sanctioned. On their part, the councillors called on the Mayor to take drastic measures against those who want to challenge her authority; that any deputy mayor who does not come to work should be dropped and another elected. They also reminded the Mayor of her duty to maintain the Council building.