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Infos Santé of Saturday, 21 November 2015

Source: lcclc.info

Bamenda skeptical about Ebola trial vaccine

They demand more information on the process, and are indignant about the government’s approval for the execution of this test in Cameroon.

The Ebola disease has wreaked havoc in western Africa. Including Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

The international scientific community under the auspices of the World Health Organization is working to find ways to permanently bar the way to this epidemic.

At the accredited center of the Bamenda Regional Hospital (North West), one of the two sites selected by the government, about 170 people have voluntarily submitted to testing the vaccine against Ebola.

But the campaign was interrupted the instructions of the health authorities. They expect to review the controversy that swells around this campaign. In fact, city residents complain that they have not received more information on the campaign. Hence misinformation and the idea that the disease is being injected into healthy people.

The Minister of Health, André Mama Fouda, gave a press briefing in Yaounde on Wednesday, November 18, to shed light on this test of the Ebola vaccine.

“This Phase II aims to collect reliable data on job security and immuno genicity of the vaccine after a single intramuscular dose of the experimental vaccine. Thus, potential side effects will be recorded in all subjects and the quality of the immune response, for a year, ” he said.

In Cameroon, two sites were selected by the Ministry of Public Health: the Centre Pasteur in Yaounde and Bamenda Regional Hospital. And each site will include two hundred subjects, sources.

“The test has received approval from the National Ethics Committee and the Operational Research Division in the Ministry of Public Health, and has just started this end of October,” said Andre Mama Fouda.

As if to reassure skeptics, the Minister of Health stated that “both sites have the capacity of immunization, clinical monitoring, and laboratory analysis. And in case of a medical emergency, a reference system in Yaounde Emergency Centre at Essos Hospital as well as at the emergency division of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, have been set up."