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Actualités Criminelles of Saturday, 2 July 2016

Source: The Post Newspaper

Another pastor in sex scandal

The matrimonial home of one Ernest Nkwen-Tamo is reportedly in taters due to an alleged affair by his wife and a Pastor whose name we got as Bishop Dr. Bonnie Etta Abgor.

According to the story, the bickering between Nkwen-Tamo and his wife over the affair with US-based Pastor Bonnie Etta Abgor, who visits Cameroon and runs crusades, has caused her to quit her matrimonial home.

Nkwen-Tamo is said to have contacted administrative, judicial, religious authorities to stop the affair which has been going on for years, and keep his home intact, to no avail.

In his statement to an investigating Gendarme Officer titled “Complaint Against Bishop Boniface Etta Agbor” to the State Counsel, Tiko, dated October 22, 2015, Nkwen-Tamo writes that, while in the US, Bishop Etta had appointed his wife Conference Co-coordinator of his Church in Cameroon.

“The climax of the dubious business came in April, 2012 when under the name of World Mission International School of Ministry and Conference, Etta Boniface invited my wife, without my knowledge, and others for a fake conference in Maryland, USA, which never took place.

The Bishop housed my wife in an apartment at 13803 Briar Wood DR., APT 18231 Laurel, MD 20708,” he narrates.

“As if the above was not enough,” Nkwen-Tamo continues, “in 2012 before his crusade in Tiko, he invited my wife to the USA again and housed her in that same apartment in Maryland and picked her daily with his car, for pleasure, for six weeks.

On her return to Cameroon, a few days to the crusade in Tiko, my wife carried the Bishop’s luggage, booked accommodation for him at KARIROSS Hotel and hired for him a car in Douala.”

He adds that, “We can locate the communication between the Bishop and my wife for the last five years from CAMTEL.”

He wrote that, in his frantic search to get the Bishop leave his wife alone, he had gone to the extent of getting respected men of God to reason together with the Bishop.

Among them are: Pastor Ojong (Full Gospel Tiko Church, 2014). “I went to him with Mr. William Che and Mr. Voufo Gabriel and pleaded that he talks to Bishop Etta to leave my wife”; Pastor Nana, President of Pentecostal Churches, Tiko Zone; Pastor Ngalle, present Pastor of Full Gospel Church Tiko. “He talked to Bishop Etta most recently and the Bishop replied that the Pastor should mind his own business,” Nkwen-Tamo averred.

He said his ordeal is coupled with offensive and threatening SMS text messages he receives from Bishop Etta.

He said on July 30, 2015 he received the message: “Be advised, you need a psychiatric; we love you and have you in prayers; but if you continue, I will fly over there and have you locked up.”

August 3, 2015: “Keep on; I just realised that the more you curse me, the more I get blessed. Please write every day, don’t stop.”

“The two messages above, from the Bishop, portray his character. This has been the manner in which he has talked to anyone that has tried to advise him on this matter. He has been rude, arrogant and proud,” the complaint concludes.

Following a similar complaint, the Divisional Officer, DO, of Tiko, Che Patrick Ngwashi, withdrew an authorisation he had issued to Bishop Etta for a crusade in Tiko.

The DO’s injunction No. 80/L/G.37/02/D4/I/Vol.7 dated October 30, 2015, titled “Withdrawal of an Authorisation,” states that “… the authorisation for public manifestationNo.13/L/G.37/02/C19/VOL2 of 20/08/15 granted to organise a conference and crusade from Saturday 31st October Saturday 7th November 2015 at the Tiko Town Green Hall has been withdrawn, pending investigations on the complaint of Mr. Nkwen-Tamo on 20/10/2015 against Bishop Boniface Etta Agbor.”
Hence the World Mission International School of Ministry and Conference crusade did not hold.