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Politique of Monday, 25 January 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

APF calls for change In mind-sets

The newly elected National President of the Alliance for Progressive Forces (APF) Alice Sadio, has called on Cameroonians to change their mind-sets with regards to politics and national issues because Cameroon can do better. She made the call last Saturday January 23, 2016 at the Party Headquarters in Yaounde during a press conference that followed an incamera political bureau meeting. “There is need for a psychological, intellectual, organisational revolution to usher in a deep and comprehensive endogenous change because Cameroon can do better”, she said in her first ever declaration since her election as the party leader last December.

She said the quality of governance after the present regime shall depend on the quality of men who will be involved in the political struggle. “Together, we all have a heavy responsibility to combat the widespread belief that politics is a dirty game”, he remarked. The APF, she added believes Cameroon can do better provided we put “the right men at the right places”. This is why the APF officials called for hard work through honesty so to rise above self-interest, ethnic and tribal divide. 

According to the party officials, presenting a consensus opposition candidate in the 2018 presidential election which the party advocated in 2007 will depend on the negotiations within the opposition and a laid down binding platform to guide actions. Alice Sadio also condemned political prostitution manifested by some political adventurers. Even though the APF party chair did not outline the plan of action for what a party official said is a strategy, the party intends to be more present in the field. To Ben Muna, the party’s founding President, the achievements of the party are not only the representation in parliament or councils. The APF, he pointed out, has stood for the truth, transparency and honesty since its creation.