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Actualités Régionales of Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Source: CRTV

57 children equipped in Massa language at holiday camp

A six-week holiday workshop on the Massa language and culture has ended in Yaounde this 30th August 2015.

The holiday programme was organised by the Yaounde branch of the Tokna Massana Association.

Fifty-seven children from different Massa families took part in the workshop that focused on building their cultural awareness.

During the ceremony, the children staged traditional dances, said folk tales, wrote and read the Massa alphabet and sang the national anthem.

The children explained that appreciating one’s culture and mastering the mother tongue could help one better fit into society. One of them Conge Florine, said, “now that I have learned how to read and write the Massa language, I can succeed in finding my way through the global world”.

During the closing ceremony, the supervisor of the training, Ousmanou Virina highlighted its importance, “Parents, who cannot send their children to Mayo Danay, should register them every year so that they can learn their culture”.

At the end of the ceremony, the children were encouraged with gifts for mastering their language and culture.