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Actualités of Thursday, 14 April 2016

Source: crtv.cm

20th May Distinctions: Over 7.000 files under scrutiny

The Councils of National Orders is meeting in Yaounde to examine over 7.000 files for the eligibility for the award of medals and other distinctions during the National Day Celebrations on 20th May 2016.

The Grand Chancellor of the National Orders, Senator Peter Mafany Musonge is chairing the three-day session.

He called on council members to show proof of objectivity, equity and balance in trades and gender so that only the most meritorious individuals are awarded.

According to the council members, the Head of State, H.E. Paul Biya, Grand Master of the National Orders has allotted 3350 medals to be awarded on the D-day.

The medals include Silver after ten years of work, Vermeil after 15 years and Gold after 25 years of service.