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Politique of Friday, 15 July 2016

Source: cameroonjournal.com

2018 Elections:Fru Ndi ready to endorse Joshua Osih

An authoritative source, who pleaded not to be named, has hinted The Cameroon Journal that negotiations with the national chairman of the Social Democratic Front, SDF, party are well on course for his First Vice, Joshua Osih, to be endorsed as the main opposition party’s candidate for the forthcoming presidential election.

Our source who’s adequately informed about the negotiations for Fru Ndi to endorse Osih, told us that the lobby is being done by a caucus within the party made up of some members who address themselves as “the group of wise men.”

The caucus, we are told, just rounded off a nationwide tour of the SDF basic structures to test the popularity of their national chairman and have come to the conclusion that Fru Ndi remains popular within the party ranks but that majority opinion suggests that he (Fru Ndi) should rather hold Osih’s hand and present him as the man to stand for the next presidential polls on the party’s ticket.

Our source further stated that going by the caucus’ findings, Fru Ndi remains the best man to hold the SDF strong but that it will be “disastrous” for him to be invested as the party flag bearer in 2018 given his advanced age of 75 and the dislike the French have for him. Fru Ndi celebrated his 75th birthday last July 7, 2016.

“The caucus found out that Fru Ndi’s popularity as national chairman of the SDF remains intact but where his popularity is dwindles is when he’s suggested as presidential material in the next election,” said our informant by telephone.

It is on this basis, and coupled with Joshua Osih’s sterling qualities of youthfulness, dynamism and intelligence, that the SDF “group of the wise” is urging Fru Ndi to endorse the Member of Parliament from Wouri centre, Osih, our sourced explained.

“The caucus is also assuring Fru Ndi that he will stand for chairmanship of the party in the February 2017 convention unopposed,” our informant said, adding that “Joshua Osih is also being advised not to put forth his candidature for the position during the convention.”

Quizzed on the probability of Fru Ndi accepting the lobby from the SDF “group of wise men”, our source said it is almost 100% certain. He said it looked even more likely given that some of the SDF bigwigs who have always backed Fru Ndi for choice of the party’s presidential candidate, in the likes of Hon. Joseph Mbah Ndam and Njong Evaristus, are fast losing grass roots support.

Hear him: “The caucus believes the possibility of Fru Ndi endorsing Osih is very high. They are urging militants to put aside the issue of fear as most of them say they would like to see a younger and more dynamic person than Fru Ndi.”

He added: “For someone like Mbah Ndam, the candidate he backed during the last reorganisation of basic organs of the party at the district was beaten in Batibo. It looks feasible that Fru Ndi will accept because the people who have always backed his presidential bid are also losing grip at the base…. as for Njong, the regional chairman of the party in the North West, it is clear that he is going to be beaten during the next regional elections…”

While the outcome of the lobby by the SDF caucus remains to be seen, The Cameroon Journal recalls that a few months ago, the social media was awash with calls on Osih Joshua to be the next presidential candidate of the main opposition party, with his charisma and ingenuity cited as some of the strong qualities he brings to the table.