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Actualités Régionales of Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Source: le jour/alfanet.com

13 year-old enthroned Batcham King

Batcham a son nouveau chef Batcham a son nouveau chef

Batcham chiefdom in the West region of Cameroon has a new leader.

His majesty Djeutsa Sonkoué Adrien, just 13 years old, was inducted last weekend by the notables of the chiefdom.

This very young king replaced his father, his majesty Sonkoué Tatang, who died more than eight years ago.

“The choice focused on him at the meeting after significant consultations was made at the closing ceremony of the official funeral of the late leader,” noted Le Jour newspaper of January 18, 2016.

The ceremony of his enthronement was experienced by the Senate president and several other dignitaries of the Western Region.

Adrien who became the 14th monarch of Batcham dynasty is a class 3 student at an establishment in Douala.

Despite his young age, the fate of Batcham group now rests on his shoulders. One of the princes of his kingdom said the Youth king will get full authority when he reaches the age of maturity “and penetrate la’akam he will fully come into possession of all his power.”

Once the king attains maturity he will be obliged to follow the footsteps of his late father, his Majesty Francis Hervé Sonkoué Tatang.