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Politique of Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Source: cameroon-info.net

Cabinet reshuffle divides political class

Philemon Yang, Prime Minister Philemon Yang, Prime Minister

The Cabinet shakeup of October 2, 2015, has caused a stir among politicians in Cameroon.

Thus, Le Jour newspaper gave the platform to some politicians who spoke about the reshuffling in its Monday, October 5, 2015, issue.

Foulla Dambaldi, a politician, affirmed that there was need to change. “I am personally disappointed that the president of the Republic is still working with the same people for several decades. Aside Beti Assomo, others appointed on Friday deserve to go on retirement. There is the need to give a chance to the young people to show what they are capable of. Deception also comes in as the president of the Republic has not reduced the strength of his government,” he said.

In this same vein, Alain Fogué, a Member of Cameroon Renaissance Movement, was of the perception that the entry or exit of a few people in the government cannot solve the problem of economic misery in which Cameroon is immersed for 33 years. According to him, "President Paul Biya placed Cameroon in a spiral of failure since his accession to the supreme judiciary. The political alternation is the only magic potion that can give the country a path of development and not cabinet shakeup.”

Théophile Yimgaing Moyo, another politician, meanwhile maintained a single novelty which is the arrival of Joseph Beti Assomo. “This is a man who has been proven in command, especially in the Far North and Douala where he worked as Governor of Region".

"I have a feeling that the areas such as employment, water, electricity, the living conditions of young people in universities, and the eternal problem of debt seem to have been forgotten. The Citizen Movement (MOCI) thinks that there is need to proceed to the readjustment in these areas to improve the living conditions of Cameroonians,” he said.

More restrained, the MP Sali Dairou believed that the redevelopment of October 2 reveals aspects of cohesion of governmental action. “There were some problems related to the insubordination of some Ministers towards the head of the government and this created blockages at several levels. The president of the Republic has just arranged things and appeal to his colleagues to work for the good of the Republic," said the former deputy of the Diamaré.